This is game design elegance.
Two ships - red and blue.
Red ship kills red enemies.
Blue ship kills blue enemies.
Add two players. Stir lightly, serve.
It always amazes me when a game with such simple rules can provoke such strong emotion. The key in this game is cooperation, of course. Teammates need each other to survive, and are therefore forced to communicate with each other. The simple control scheme helps too (left thumbstick to move - that's it!) - since you're not busy thinking about which button does what, you can concenrate on working together.
August 2, 2008 at 7:16 PM
Left thumbstick to move! I like this game already :)
August 7, 2008 at 12:33 AM
hey...the game looks cool...i like the handprint pic too
simple yet striking...! nice!